To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee

A certain blogger whose name need not be mentioned in polite company may have wounded Auckland's mayor. But "retired accountant" (amongst other things) Graham McCready has sunk a pretty big harpoon into the side of John Banks. Now, can he wriggle off it?

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Living in a town with no government

The individual is King here in America. Federal government is closed, and so far you’d hardly notice. Turns out people can live without the services of the Poet Laureate for a week. No-one has taken to the streets in an American ‘Arab Spring’. The heroes of this revolt are nicely tucked up in bed at night, and applauded by many for saying ‘Freedom is the right of the healthy not to pay for the sick.’ 

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World News Brief, Thursday October 3

Obama cancels visits to Malaysia and Philippines as US government shutdown continues; South Korea and US sign new security pact; Asian Development Bank cuts growth forecast for Asia; Afghan election kicks off; Greenpeace activists charge with piracy, could face 15 years in Russian prison; and more

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