Canada fears being frozen out of the US recovery deal
In the bleak midwinter, Canada is fighting to ensure it doesn't lose billions of dollars as a protectionist US Congress pushes forward with its 'Buy American' legislation
It is really, really cold here north of the 49th parallel, but that’s what you expect in February. What you don’t expect is your friend, your buddy, your big but nevertheless conjoined brother immediately to the south interfering with the temperature gauge by using two simple little words – “Buy American”.
They’ve sent an unprecedented shiver down the spine of
Buy local is a catchy little bumper-sticker type of politics, and certainly not original.
Sure we mock Americans for the embarrassingly low percentage who have passports; for the little jokes along the lines that God made wars to teach Americans geography; because even nominees for Vice-President really think they can influence foreign policy because they can see
Now however it is time to dispense with such frivolities. It is also, by the way, time to return Davos to its primary job as a ski resort, but I digress.
What is scaring the icicles out of the proverbial Canadian longjohns is the threatened spectre of all steel and all iron to be used in American recovery reconstruction being American made. Is the 21st century version of Chruchill's Iron Curtain going to be literally that – and this time on the other side of the Atlantic?
If that's the case Canada is looking at being curtained off from billions of dollars in extremely interconnected trade arrangements through NAFTA. That's the equivalent of being forced to lick the damned steel pole in the middle of winter.
No-one would object if the Obama administration had a compulsory bonfire on Wall Street at which it generated its own steel by just melting down some of those returned corporate jets. Yes, such a sight would bear a frightening resemblance to Mao’s Great Leap Forward during which all metal – including kitchen implements – was hurled into the government furnace for the communist good. But what's the difference now capitalism and perhaps free trade as we know it have been dealt such near fatal blows?
Whichever way it is viewed, the current sense is one of panic.
Back in Davos over the weekend, not even the world’s (admittedly weakened) economic superheroes were able to come up with anything more than various versions of a plea to the US to drop the “Buy American” provision, all the while secretly formulating protectionist plans themselves. These were the same dollar-gods who just two months ago under the guise of the G20 vowed to avoid protectionist actions. 'Moratorium' I believe was the term. World leaders have all delievered lectures on the slippery slope of protectionism, but the debate now has the unnerving air of do as I say, not as I do.
That’s put the frighteners up
This whole issue is a big deal for a country that prides itself on being very separate from the
It just so happens that a compromise may be arrived at soon by dent of the good fortune
While world leaders are lining up to host ‘The One’, it will be Stephen Harper’s aptly steely blue eyes that will be the first to lock gazes with the new American president. What better way to kick off proceedings than by announcing a bit of a compromise on the iron and steel issue.
Then they can actually get to work and sort out the issue of the return of Omar Khadr – Gitmo’s only child prisoner who just happens to be a Canadian citizen.