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Not a grand coalition, but a government of national salvation

According to Newshub, Simon Bridges is open to joining a “grand coalition” with Labour as we hunker down to go into a month long lockdown.

The idea is sound. Before now, the role of the opposition was to scrutinise and oppose. In the context of what almost amounts to a nationwide quarantine, however, that scrutiny is practically impossible to apply. The next best thing is to ensure all New Zealanders have a seat at the table for the duration of the emergency.

However, the term “grand coalition” does nothing for me personally. It’s too bloodless. I think we need to call it what it is: a government of national salvation.

Dramatic? Yes. Overly so? Maybe not.

Essentially, the government has ordered a halt to economic activity for at least a month. If we were living in feudal times where everybody grew their own food and collected their own firewood then that would be bad enough. In an era of advanced specialisation, however, you can’t just switch the machine off and start it up again.

Not that it’s unjustified. If the alternative is letting the elderly and infirm die then there really is no alternative. But the bruises are going to last for a long time after the punch has landed.

Invite National into Jacinda Ardern’s ministry. Take non-essential reforms off the table. Delay the election.

St Francis Xavier, pray for us/