World News Brief, Tuesday March 22

Allied air strikes protect anti-regime rebels, but Qaddafi forces repel advances (+ analysis & multimedia); Electricity back on at Fukushima plant, but cooling systems not working; Military leaders switch sides in Yemen; Obama holds up Brazil as model for protesting states; and more

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World News Brief, Friday March 18

Helicopters and water cannon turned on Japanese nuclear plant, putting workers at risk (+ analysis); Millions without power as 9000 still missing and death toll tops 5000; US backs Libya no-fly zone, warning bombings would be necessary; Violence spreads in Cote d'Ivoire; and more

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World News Brief, Wednesday March 16

Japanese PM warns of "very high" radiation leak risk; Nuclear industry faces renewed scrutiny amidst crisis; Nikkei loses sixth of value in two days; China to avoid exchange rate negotations at G20; Iran angry as foreign troops enter Bahrain, Intelligence reports question Afghan surge, one year on; and more

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Enough Already - The Rozzers' Powers Need Curbing

The Police have more than enough laws to fight crime, it's just that they're not using them effectively. The two old parties - National and Labour - can just stop giving them more legislation. When did you ever hear the Rozzers say, "Thank you very much, we have enough power now."?

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World News Brief, Tuesday March 15

Second explosion at nuclear plant in Japan; two thousand dead found on the shores of Miyagi prefecture; Bank of Japan pouring $183.17 billion into markets to ease economic impact of quake; China has overtaken the US in manufacturing output--US was number one for 110 years; Saudi forces to intervene in Bahrain; Crowley resigns from US State Department after criticising treatment of WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning; and more

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Letter from Pahaoa

Letter from Pahaoa

There is a sign at the end of the road to Pahaoa. "LEAVE ONLY FOOTPRINTS," it says, and there were two sets of footprints on the beach: mine, going out, and coming back. I climbed a rock, and sat on it. Hours passed, a whole afternoon, I realised later, in what seemed like minutes.

I took these photographs, hardly daring to hope that they would capture how it was at Pahaoa, on Friday afternoon, but they do. I came home with something better: a quiet mind. 

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World News Brief, Friday March 11

NATO meets to discuss Libya no-fly zone as counterattacks intensify (+ multimedia); Yemen President promises "parliamentary system", but protesters remain defiant; Indonesian terror trial resumes; Dalai Lama to hand on political role; Wisconsin on verge of finally passing anti-union law

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World News Brief, Tuesday March 8

Qadaffi loyalists mount counteroffensive, retake towns; UN estimates 200,000 refugees have fled Libyan violence; Bahrain protesters beg US for support; Japanese PM refuses to resign despite losing foreign minister; Robert Gates considers longer mission in Afghanistan; and more

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World News Brief, Friday March 4

Libyan rebels regain oil port of Brega, then face airstrikes (+ analysis); 90,000 refugees pour into Tunisia; Egypt military appoints PM with opposition support; Phillipines air force sees off Chinese boats; Battles flare in South Sudan; and more

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