
You’re about to join the conversation on Pundit. As with most news sites, that means you will be able to post comments. But at Pundit it also means you can write for us. In this community we all get a say.

It’s easy to join and contribute. If you want to post comments, we encourage robust debate. Just keep it civil, play the ball not the person. You might like to check out our guidelines. Otherwise, go register.

If you want to write for Pundit all you have to do is agree to our terms and conditions and copyright agreement, then send us a story. You could get published alongside some of New Zealand top’s writers and thinkers. (You can also send us a photo along with your piece. We’d love it if you did). Here’s what we’re after:

Your Punt: Are you an expert on something, or do you have a strong, well-informed opinion? Write us a piece of smart commentary. Are you a citizen journalist? Send us a news article. Stories should be around 800 words long.

Counter Column: Disagree with a piece of commentary you’ve read elsewhere? Write a rebuttle for Pundit. Just remember, we don’t want personal attacks or rants. Send us reasoned, respectful arguments. Facts arfe good too. Again, around 800 words is good, give or take.