World News Brief, Friday January 20

Iran helping Syria get around oil embargo, says report; Analysis – Removing Assad would weaken Iran and strengthen US, but military intervention perilous; Arab League to decide on Sunday whether to extend Syria mission; Indonesia gets rare credit rating upgrade; Italy plan major overhauls to create growth; Obama says nada to vast oil pipeline; and more

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World News Brief, Wednesday January 18

Credit-rating downgrades EU rescue fund, yet investors show confidence; Rating agencies critiqued as "neither accurate nor merely observers"; Chinese economy slows; South Korea latest to feel US pressure on Iran sanctions; Pakistani Supreme Court orders PM to appear, South Carolina debate draws fire at Romney; and more

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World News Brief, Friday January 13

Hillary Clinton denies US involvement in a car bombing that killed an Iranian nuclear scientist; Japan will reduce Iranian oil imports as part of US-led sanction; Myanmar government has negotiated ceasefire with Karen National Union; US Marines to investigate video of soldiers urinating on Taliban corpses; Mexico's drug war increasingly unpopular

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World News Brief, Thursday January 12

US and Israel accused of assination after Iranian nuclear scientist killed in mysterious motorcycle bomb attack; Should America resort of bombing?; Geithner tells China to cool relationship with Iran; North Korea condemns US for "politicising" food aid; Mitt Romney close to line in race for Republican nomination after NH win; Italy's government looks to end monopolies and vested interests; Arab League mission to Syria labelled "a farce"

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World News Brief, Wednesday January 11

Bashar al-Assad lashes out at Arab League in rare TV address, refuses to step down; Arab League key to getting Syria sanctions through UN; Aung San Suu Kyi to run for parliament in Burmese elections; China and South Korea agree aim of "denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula"; Greece pressured to settle private debt deals or miss EU bailout; Iran's latest uranium enrichment is "further escalation" says US; and more

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World News Brief, Tuesday January 10

Iran sentences 28 year-old American to death; Iran appears to be bracing for war and driving up oil prices; Merkel & Sarkozy have 976th summit to discuss debt limits and tobin tax; IMF leak says Greece still unable to pay debts; EU running out of patience with Greece as Euro slides; Malaysian opposition leader found not guilty of sodomy; Despite global mockery, Arab League plans to grow observer mission in Syria; and more

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MOM … Show me the money!

John Key’s hottest line from the last election campaign could come back to haunt him as he ploughs ahead with the expansion of the “Mixed Ownership Model” by selling shares in a batch of state-owned assets.

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World News Brief, Friday January 6

EU agrees in principle to oil embargo that would ban member states from buying Iranian oil; EU move follows US sanctions on Iran's central bank, as Western countries call for Iran to stop work on nuclear programme; North Korea chides Japan for holding a security meeting in the wake of Kim Jong-Il's death; Australia says it will not pay $2 million ransom for Australian man taken hostage in southern Philippines; Taliban say they are responsible for deaths of 15 Pakistani soldiers; Rwandan militia kill 26 civilians in Democratic Republic of Congo; and more

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