As the rest of the world moves towards more GE food, New Zealand stands apart. And while that may make little scientific sense, it could be very good for our bank balance
Read MoreAre animals to blame for peak antibiotics?
How signing the TPPA and buying New Zealand meat could help the fight against our growing resistance to antibiotics
Read MoreCh-ch-changes: Are you – or your child – doing the best course?
Most university classes start today... but is university the smart way to go? And which training leads to the best incomes? Two pieces of research can help you make a wise choice... or even change paths
Read MoreStory-telling: Getting to the truth about NZ agriculture
The time is right to be telling the story of New Zealand food production. But what should we say? And are our marketers up to the job?
Read MoreNew Years' Resolution: How to save the planet
Want to save the world this Christmas? The best way may not be what you think... and may not involve giving up meat
Read MoreFeeding the world
New Zealand is leading the way in sustainable agriculture, and that presents an opportunity to cash in
Read MoreScience is golden... But where's the gold?
With our leading science organisations 'right-sizing' and science funding stalled, is the government's approach to science meeting the needs of New Zealand now and in the future?
Read MoreMore milk, less honey
As the milk price falls, Fonterra needs to react by rethinking its strategy
Read MoreGeneration Rent may yet lead the way
Do we need more regulation in the housing market? Probably not -- existing regulation may be inflaming the problem of lack of supply
Read MoreWaste not, want not... why we throw away good food
Food is being thrown away in huge amounts. Is it because we've just made it too darned cheap? And what New Zealand could do...
Read MoreLeading the charge to develop a soil carbon policy
New Zealand's unusual carbon profile marks it apart from other countries trying to lower greenhouse emissions
Read MoreGreenhouse gases and growing pains
Economic productivity and population growth have impacted New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions
Read MoreWhat drought really means for New Zealand
As we head into another drier-than-normal season, New Zealand needs to put more thought into water management
Read MoreNothing takes the place of a great teacher
Online learning is not the solution it was touted to be. You just can't beat real-life interaction with a great teacher
Read MoreIt's nearly Foodmass
Food has never been more readily available or cheaper. Take a moment to thank the farmers when you sit down to Christmas lunch this year -- and don't overindulge
Read MoreHow to make a world-class university
University education is a privilege, not a right, and if we treated it that way we might just get better results
Read MoreBecause I'm worth it
Why typical Gen Y's are rife with feelings of entitlement and overconfidence, yet quick to play the victim and often miserable
Read MoreMuddying the nation's waterways
The biggest problem muddying New Zealand's waterways is not farming, it's misinformation
Read MoreHas it really got the Spark?
Changing your business name and branding is a risky proposition. Has Telecom, now known as Spark, made the right choice?
Read MoreThe insidious spread of managerialism
There is a lot of lip service paid to employees being an organisation's greatest asset, but the reality is rather different
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