World News Brief, Friday September 23

Palestinian Authority to submit UN membership application despite opposition; Global markets plunge on perception Fed is running out of ideas; Greece comes to a standstill due to strikes; Yemen deaths grow prompting fears of civil war; China opposes US-Taiwan fighter jet deal; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday September 22

Obama opposes Palestinian statehood vote, telling UN there is "no shortcut" (+ analysis and visual history); Tens of thousands rally in West Bank to support statehood; Taliban say peace talks were all a ploy to kill Rabbani; North Korea joins talks to end nuclear programme; US extends drone attacks into Africa; and more

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World News Brief, Tuesday September 20

Obama to release $3 trillion deficit-reduction plan; Obama plan includes $1.5 trillion in tax increases, which Republicans expected to oppose; China closes solar panel factory that has been focus of anti-pollution demonstrations; South Korea and US working on joint response to small-scale attacks from North Korea; gunmen kill 36 in a Burundi bar; Farc rebels in Colombia attack police station; and more

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World News Brief, Friday September 16

Investors and markets queue up to predict Greece default as bank shares drop; Merkel warns German MPs about predicting Greek collapse while minister explores what would happen if Greece left the eurozone; New Libyan leaders call for democratic state with sharia law; Japan wants better defence relations with China; Religious violence in Nigeria; Republicans reject Obama tax plans; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday September 15

NATO & Afghan forces repel most complex assault on Kabul in decade of war; 11 killed as Taliban strengthens its negotiating hand (+ analysis); China to target domestic growth and buy Euro debt; Moody's cuts ratings of French banks; US tries to block UN vote on Palestine; African Union asks world to seize moment against militant group; and more

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