The tide goes out slowly, but it does go out.
Read MoreUS election 2012: Rise of the nerds
Cue socially awkward victory lap
Read MorePoll of Polls update: Volatility masks a slow-moving tide
Our poll of polls continues to show a slow drop in National's fortunes, and an increasingly positive outlook for Labour and the left more broadly.
Read MoreJoining some dots
The good kind of conspiracy theory
Read MoreGently worn laundry
Comes in varying colours, none of them blue.
Read MoreLeftie strategerizing
Political strategy need not be an entirely fact-challenged zone.
Read MoreTrend: Left turn
Our poll of polls confirms National’s poor showing over the Budget period. Looking ahead, the advantage probably lies with Labour and the Greens
Read MoreMMP Review: My 2c

Only one day left to put in your MMP Review submissions. Here is one I prepared just now.
Read MoreStat games: National nonsense about employment

If National is going to keep shining up shit and calling it gold, then I am going to keep exposing it as shit.
Read MoreGDP growth: Further nonsense from government Ministers

The government makes plenty of excuses for New Zealand’s poor recent GDP growth. Unfortunately for its excuses, data exist.
Read MoreMassaging the GDP figures: An update and a prediction
The revised GDP growth figures are bad news for New Zealand, unless you inhabit the same fantasy world as government Ministers.
Read MoreLies, damned lies, and National party spin-doctoring

National says “the economy has grown in ten of the last eleven quarters.” That phrasing is pretty unusual. I wonder why.
Read MoreTax: Everything in Combination

If we think about our taxes one at a time, we might think one thing. But if you consider them all together, a different picture emerges.
Read MoreLow tax for me, high tax for thee

Our tax system asks too much of those with little, and too little of those with much.
Read MorePoll of Polls archive: 2008 to 2011

For your statistical, nostalgic pleasure.
Read MorePoll of Polls: Post election shake up
The first few polls of the new year and the new term are in, and together they suggest a markedly different political landscape has developed since the election.
Read MoreRiveting argument about tax
I wrote a book! (I know, I am as surprised as you...) Casey Plunket from Chapman Tripp says parts of it suck. I say otherwise.
Read MoreCharter Schools: Friend or Foe?
Area men, women panic as Key, Banks unveil December surprise.
Read MoreFinal Poll of Polls Update
Five more polls this week. Four today. Little change. National can govern alone. Winston will not make it (but it could be close).
Read MorePoll of polls update, and some projections, too.

Despite some excitement in individual polls, the polls as a whole show National still well above 50%, and New Zealand First still a long way below 5%.
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