World News Brief, Wednesday June 6

G7 to hold emergency Eurozone talks; Putin in China to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao -- will discuss Syrian violence and Iran's nuclear programme; John Key signs NATO agreement to increase cooperation across terrorism, military training, disaster relief and intelligence; top al-Qaeda figure targeted in drone attack; Merkel endorses oversight of EU banks; and more

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World News Brief, Tuesday June 5

EU to urge Russia to put more pressure on Syrian government to cease violent crackdown on opposition; US calls for China to release all prisoners still held in relation to 1989 Tienanmen Square pro-democracy uprisings; US and Vietnam exchange soldiers' letters and diaries from Vietnam War; US drone kills 15 in Pakistan; Portuguese government to prop up three ailing banks; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday May 31

Former Liberian president Charles Taylor sentenced to 50 years in prison for his part in Sierra Leone's civil war; Suu Kyi addresses migrant workers in Bangkok; China buys up Spain's $938 million assets in Brazilian construction company; Syrian diplomats expelled from 13 countries after Kofi Annan says Syrian situation at tipping point; European Central Bank won't fund recapitalisation of Spain's Bankia SA; and more

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World News Brief, Wednesday May 30

Pressure builds on Syria to answer reports of civilian massacre; Philippine senate convicts chief justice for failing to declare foreign currency deposits; China ousts former rail minister on charges of bribery and vice; al-Qaeda second-in-command killed in NATO strike; UN report links Rwanda to Congolese rebellion; and more

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The Optimist’s Budget

The National-led government has delivered an “Optimist’s Budget” forecasting increased tax revenue, increased spending, and increased debt on its journey to a wafer-thin surplus by June 2015.

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World News Brief, Friday May 25

Hollande promotes "euro bonds" at EU dinner summit, but Merkel not keen; China accuses US of violating WTO trade rules; Aung San Suu Kyi to attend World Economic Forum in Thailand, her first trip outside Burma in 24 years; Pakistani doctor who helped CIA find Osama bin Laden sentenced to 33 years in prison; UK recession deepens; and more 

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