The End of Neoliberalism?

The End of Neoliberalism?

Gary Gerstle’s The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order: America and the World in the Free Market Era is a frustrating book. It is an impressive sweeping history of American politics and economic policy from the New Deal in the 1930s to today, predicting that we are coming to the end of the ‘neoliberal’ era. However, Gerstle never defines what he means by ‘neoliberal’ other than with examples through the narrative, so it is difficult to be able to identify what is coming to an end and when.

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Why are Bond Markets So Terrifying?

Why are Bond Markets So Terrifying?

The rule by British politicians Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng was bound to be short. It was a Rogernomics strategy. The minority Bolsheviks seized power to implement a wonky neoliberal economic regime. But there was no agreement in a larger (which also meant more with ability) and more fractious Tory caucus than was evident in NZ Labour’s in the 1980s. The minuscule Tory party aside, there was no enthusiasm for the approach among the public. So no surprises that they did not last long; the surprise was that they were felled so early, not by politics but by financial markets.

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