An Infrastructure Commission report says we are keeping up with infrastructure better than we might have thought from the grumbling. But the challenge of providing for the future remains.
Read MoreHave We an Infrastructure Deficit?

Three Waters
An Infrastructure Commission report says we are keeping up with infrastructure better than we might have thought from the grumbling. But the challenge of providing for the future remains.
Read MoreHow far has the government’s Three Waters policy retreated?
Read MoreAt Chris Hipkins’ first post-cabinet press conference as PM we got introduced to the new language of Chipp-ese. So reading between the lines, what did his words really mean?
Read MoreThe (new) Prime Minister said nobody understands what co-governance means, later modified to that there were so many varying interpretations that there was no common understanding.
Read MoreWhat Was the Prime Minister Reading in the Runup to Election Year?
Read MoreThe proposal to organise fresh water, storm water and waste water into four entities reflects the contempt that New Zealand’s central government has for local communities.
Read MoreHistory books and policy changes such as for Three Waters and the media merger warn us ignoring economics is dangerous.
Read MoreJournalist Graham Adams recently drew parallels between David Lange in the Fourth Labour Government and Jacinda Ardern in the Sixth, arguing that just as Lange was a hostage to the Rogernomes in his cabinet, Ardern is a hostage to the Māori in her caucus.
Read MoreThe tunnelling machine for Auckland Watercare’s $1.2b 14.7km Central Interceptor Network which is expected to substantially reduce sewage overflows onto Auckland beaches by 2025.
Why is there so much local opposition to the Three Waters restructuring?
Read MoreWhat is the Three Waters Restructuring Actually About?
Read MoreGeoffrey Palmer has said that the public service has been so run down since 1984 that it could not today implement changes of the magnitude that the Lange-Douglas Government did.
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