Jamie-Lee Ross has levelled a very serious accusation against Simon Bridges - which has yet to be confirmed. But its the way his actions are hurting our Politics we need to really worry about.
Read MoreElectoral Act
Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?
Metiria Turei's admission about past rule breaking looks to have cost her a ministerial position, even if the Greens are part of Government after September. That's a pretty heavy penalty for being overly silly some twenty-four years ago.
Read MoreThis is why they can't have nice things
Did Labour set up an overseas intern scheme in order to evade the limit on political party election expenses? No ... no it did not.
Read MoreParliament's 2014 election review: the goodish, the so-so, and the ugly
The parliamentary review of the 2014 election has just been reported. What treats do our MPs have in store for the 2017 campaign and beyond?
Read MoreFor some people, lightning really does strike twice
It's been said that Winston Peters is NZ's great political survivor. He's also been the beneficiary of a fair bit of legal luck along the way.
Read MoreWhich Parliament is truly sovereign?
Arthur Taylor's most recent attack on the ban on prisoner voting has failed. But we learnt something about New Zealand's constitution as a result. Oh - and judges really need to think about how their words may sound to all those who read them.
Read MoreWho will be the first blogger that Winston Peters puts in jail?
Are you a blogger who knowingly writes lies about your political enemies/friends in an effort to sway how people vote? Winston Peters has just won a court case that could see you get jailed for up to 2 years.
Read MoreThough ye flourish more arms than the giant Briareus, ye have to reckon with me
Arthur Taylor's tilt at the windmills of Hellensville predictably has resulted in a shattered lance. Now we wait for the outcome of his really interesting court challenge.
Read MoreThe lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn
The Planet Key song and video can be watched, played on the radio and shown on TV without any restrictions at all. It's great that a judge has been able to make the law say what it should do.
Read MoreFilling the void left by Winston (until he comes back again)
What happens when (or if) Winston quits Parliament before he is declared the member for Northland? Nothing very much at all.
Read MoreIf we're gonna go that way you're gonna need a bigger knife
David Seymour says he may take Winston Peters to court if he wins the Northland by-election. He doesn't really mean it.
Read MoreCuriouser and Curiouser
Jami-Lee Ross appears to be a quite exceptional candidate for the National Party. He does things in relation to money given to him that none of his colleagues do - albeit only in relation to one particular donation.
Read MoreYou can't have it both ways
The National Party's treatment of Donghua Liu's donation is strikingly at odds with with how it treated all the other donations it received. That's not only wrong, but it may even be illegal.
Read More"A trying operation under the influence of chloroform"
Handing someone a "Vote United Future" pamphlet on election day is an offence that can get you fined $20,000. Why is that, and should it be so?
Read MoreTilting at Helensvilles' windmills
Could John Key's place in Parliament be under threat from Arthur Taylor's electoral petition? No ... no it couldn't.
Read MoreAnd whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire
The Justice and Electoral Committee will soon be reviewing the 2014 general election. Here's the first of my thoughts on what it might profitably look at.
Read MoreMost people exist, that is all
I think we've found the way to make electoral law interesting to people. Get some sports stars to break it.
Read MoreVoting, mental capacity, and the law
Should people with intellectual disabilities be allowed to vote? What about those with dementia?
Read MoreThink of these things: whence you came; where you are going; and to whom you must account
Was The Moment of Truth an election advertisement?
Read MoreHow to lose when you win
Justice Ellis recounts "the numerous and weighty constitutional criticisms" of taking the vote from prisoners. But because Parliament (or, rather, the National and Act Parties) didn't care about these sorts of thing, they still can't vote.
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