A God-quoting, science doubting, swaggering former Governor from Texas for President...what could possibly go wrong?
Read MorePalin
Palin takes the shootin' spotlight
As American mourns yet another appalling shooting, Sarah Palin shoots from the lip - again - reconfirming she would be incapable of presiding over a presidential podium.
Read MoreIt's the South, stupid... geographical dyslexia Palin-style
Another botched foray into international affairs sees Sarah Palin mistakes North Korea as America's ally. A little 'refudiation' is required just days after Barbara Bush suggested it would be best for the beautiful Sarah to stay in Alaska.
Read MoreRepublicans, be careful what you wish for...
The Republicans may still be in full victory dance mode, but the realities of their new Tea Party compatriots should scare the hell out of them.
Read MoreOf Mosques and Madness and Mid-term Elections
The concept of a mosque a couple of blocks from Ground Zero has unleashed the ugly side of American politics, where those who profess tolerance have none themselves. Instead they have a hefty dose of prejudice, jingoism and stupidity and it is all on display.
Read MoreWelcome to Planet Palin: Going Rogue reviewed
Sarah Palin's Going Rogue is a campaign book delightfully free of boring old policy and so is a sure fire dog whistle to her adoring base. It reinforces why she should never be President, but who the heck does the Republican Party have as an alternative candidate vaguely as charismatic as Caribou Barbie?
Read MoreHealthcare reform needs some Obama mongrel
Presdident Obama has finally woken from his summer slumber to find the health care reform juggernaut almost out of his reach. It is time for him to show some political mongrel to regain control—for the sake of America, but also those around the world who would like him to be more than a one-termer
Read MoreReality, Sarah Palin style
Is it wrong to hope Sarah "hockey mom" Palin will remain on the world stage simply for our own entertainment? And does that make us as bad as the folks who convinced her she has a shot at choosing the drapes for the Oval Office?
Read MoreMcCain the Drama Queen fronts for debate
Having failed to save Wall St, John McCain turned up to the first Presidential debate, where he intended to be all along. Now his biggest worry could be his choice for V-P.
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