Seventh State debate: The Shortland St Effect — Pundit

Seventh State debate: The Shortland St Effect

We opted out of Australia in the 1890s, and although some at the time hoped we'd have another chance at Australasian union, that was our one and only shot. Our distinctive New Zealand voice is now pulling us further away from our neighbours than ever before

After we released the UMR poll results on Q+A this past Sunday, New Zealand's been having a ding-dong go over the question of whether we should become the seventh state of Australia.

It's a good debate to have, and to keep having, not least because we New Zealanders – pakeha in particular – don't spend enough time thinking about our history, our sovereignty and our constitutional life.

This year we're facing a constitutional review, due to the Maori Party's coalition deal with National, and preparing for an MMP referendum.


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