Stare decisis — Pundit

Stare decisis

Now that we're in the business of guaranteeing winners by making public policy in their favour, the sky is the limit.

The Labour-Green Government today announced it had reached agreement with five "green-tech" start-up companies to create a "New Futures" industrial hub in Wellington. Under the terms of this agreement, the companies have committed to build plant, conduct R&D activities and produce goods for the next 35 years.

In exchange, the Labour-Green Government has guaranteed that the five companies will be paid an annual subsidy of $12 million a year for that period of time, with the companies entitled to compensation of up to $400 million should any future Government should try to welch on the deal.

"This is a huge win-win for New Zealand Inc.", said Minister of Economic Development Gareth Hughes. "The development of these industries will provide much-needed jobs in a dying city, whilst creating the technologies needed to build a sustainable future.

"What's even better, there's no way our political opponents can complain about what we're doing ... at least, not without looking like gigantic hypocrites."

Then he gave Clint a hug, and walked off laughing like a maniac.