World News Brief, Friday July 11

US struggles with influx of illegal Central American immigrants; Chinese hackers allegedly breaking into US government database; Bank of China accused of helping clients siphon money out of country; Israel to expand Gaza bombing campaign; suspected US drone kills militants in Pakistan; and more  

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Obama Seeks Republican Support on Migration Policies

President Barack Obama on Wednesday traveled to Texas, where he urged Governor Rick Perry to muster congressional Republican support for the administration's $3.7 billion request for emergency funding (Guardian) to help manage a burgeoning humanitarian crisis along the southern border. In Washington, some House Republicans endorsed amending a 2008 law to allow the United States to deport children more rapidly as a condition of approving the president's budget request, a proposal at which some Democrats balked (WSJ). The unprecedented influx of young migrants has been driven by rampant gang violence in Central America (NYT), as well as widespread belief that minors are afforded preferential treatment under U.S. immigration policy.


"Although low-skilled Central American migrants typically come to the United States seeking work, the growing numbers of migrating youth suggest a different incentive: survival and safety," writes Stephen Johnson for Americas Quarterly.


"Whereas the United States is allowed rapidly to send illegal Mexican child migrants back across the border, it is required to treat those from Central America differently. Under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, moreover, border agents cannot hold children for more than 72 hours," writes the Economist.


"The aid-related interventions currently being executed and proposed not only might fail to stop the migration, but they might also worsen Central American in-country conditions. U.S. officials cannot just throw money at this 'problem,' nor can they solve it by holding governments at ransom with regard to already-promised aid," writes Scarlett Aldebot-Green in Foreign Policy.



U.S.-China Dialogue Concludes Amid Cyberspying Charges

China and the United States agreed Thursday to boost military ties and counterterrorism cooperation at the fifth annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue, but made little progress on maritime issues and cyberspying (Reuters). This comes amid reports that Chinese hackers broke into a U.S. database containing records of all federal employees (NYT).


CHINA: Chinese state media accused the state-owned Bank of China of violating the country's anti-money laundering laws by helping wealthy mainlanders siphon cash out of the country (SCMP).


Israel to expand Gaza bombing campaign

Suspected US drone kills militants in Pakistan

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