World News Brief, Friday November 7 — Pundit

World News Brief, Friday November 7

Libya's supreme court dissolves parliament; possible meeting between Chinese and Japanese PMs explored; Aung San Suu Kyi warns Burma's political reforms have stalled; Obama seeks $6 billion to fight ebola; and more 

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Libya's Supreme Court Dissolves Parliament

Libya's supreme court dissolved the UN-backed parliament (Al Jazeera) on Thursday, citing irregularities in the June elections, a day after gunmen seized Libya's largest oil field (Reuters). Political instability has led to escalating violence in recent months as two rival factions, each with their own governing bodies, continue to battle for central control of Libya. The court's ruling stokes fears of further unrest.


"Recent military moves reveal that neither side can win the battles they are fighting in Libya, but both can glean political advantage from military manoeuvres if they are able to parlay them into a successful strategy at the negotiating table," write Jason Pack and Rhiannon Smith in Al Jazeera.

"The power struggle threatening to tear it apart is fought not just by Libyans. Factions within each camp are supported by external backers and foes of political Islam, particularly Qatar, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. When Mohammed al-Mubasher, head of Libya's Council of Elders, a body mediating in the country's multiple conflicts, resigned, his frustration was telling. 'Warring Libyans are not listening to us,' he said. 'They are more willing to listen to outside calls,'" writes the Economist.

"The fighting [in Libya] is about two centers of power—consisting of town-, tribe-, and militia-based networks—vying for the mantle of legitimacy in a country devoid of any workable institutions," write Frederic Wehrey and Wolfram Lache in Foreign Affairs.



Xi-Abe Meeting Explored

China and Japan's top foreign policy advisors are scheduled to meet on Thursday in Beijing to coordinate (SCMP) a possible meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the APEC Summit next week.

BURMA: Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi warned against overoptimism (Irrawaddy) about Burma's political reforms, saying that efforts have stalled since early 2013. U.S. President Barack Obama will travel to Burma for the East Asia Summit next week.


Obama seeks $6 billion to fight ebola

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