World News Brief, Thursday November 5 — Pundit

World News Brief, Thursday November 5

Protesters back on the streets of Tehran; Burma gets meeting with US officials; Price bubbles warning in Asia; Czech president signs Lisbon Treaty; Afghanistan bombing of British troops; and more

Top of the Agenda: Iran Clashes

Security forces clashed with opposition protesters (al-Jazeera) who were demonstrating against the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Wednesday in the streets of Tehran. The protests marked the thirtieth anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the US embassy by student activists. Ahmadinejad's main rival, Mir-Hossein Mousavi, suggested that a protest rally be held in a statement on his website. Iranian officials were said to be shouting anti-American slogans, while protesters responded with anti-Russian slogans, al-Jazeera reports.

Hardliners had warned the opposition not to use the occasion for anti-government protests. Meanwhile, campuses across the country held protests nearly daily against the government of late in anticipation of the Wednesday rally, the New York Times reports.

Speaking before the anniversary, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei criticized the US (al-Jazeera) over nuclear negotiations. "We do not want any negotiation, the result of which is pre-determined by the United States," he said.


Seth Robinson writes in the New Republic that Moscow's close economic ties with Tehran will make it hard to convince Putin to put pressure on Iran's nuclear program.

In the Washington Post, John B. Bellinger III argues the Obama administration should add the future of the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal to the list of issues to be discussed with Iran.


Iran expert John Limbert says it is possible that the way is being cleared for an eventual long-term dialogue between the two nations, but nonetheless urges caution in elevating expectations.

A CFR Backgrounder examines Iran's nuclear program.


PACIFIC RIM: US-Burma Meetings

US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and his deputy, Scot Marciel, visited Burma Wednesday as part of the Obama administration's policy of engaging authoritarian regimes (BBC). The visit is the highest level contact between the two governments in more than a decade.

Asian Economies: The World Bank and International Monetary Fund have warned that the influx of billions of dollars in investment capital in East Asia may fuel asset price bubbles (WSJ) in Asian equity markets and real estate in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam. Governments' interest rate cuts and stimulus programs have contributed to the cash flow and risk of bubbles.



Afghan policeman kills five British soldiers.
Czech president signs Lisbon Treaty.
General Motors drops Opel deal.


This is an excerpt of the Daily News Brief. The full version is available on