World News Brief, Wednesday November 23

Egyptian cabinet resigns as protests continue nationwide; At least 33 killed ahead of elections; Analysis says military junta doing "dismal job"; South Korea finalises free-trade deal with US; China claims 20% reduction in carbon emissions; West moves to isolate Iran banks; US supercommittee fails to reach agreement on debt; Moody's warns France; and more

Top of the Agenda: Egypt's Cabinet Resigns as Protests Continue

Egypt's civilian cabinet offered its resignation to the country's interim military leaders in the wake of ongoing clashes (NYT) between security forces and protesters, who are demanding that the military step aside.

Thousands of Egyptians demonstrated in Cairo's Tahrir Square and in other cities throughout the country over the past three days. At least thirty-three were killed (al-Jazeera) and hundreds injured in clashes with government forces. Egyptian activists called for a "million-man" rally in Cairo for Tuesday afternoon.

With parliamentary elections due to be held next week, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is holding talks with political factions (BBC), including the powerful Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood--expected to fare well in the upcoming vote--refused to participate in Tuesday's protest, potentially diminishing its effectiveness.


With fresh political violence erupting ahead of elections, new polling data shows Egyptians are concerned the military is attempting to undo the gains of the revolution, explains Middle East expert Shibley Telhami in this CFR Interview.

The military junta in Cairo has done a dismal job ruling Egypt. And now it's paying the price, writes CFR's Steven Cook in Foreign Policy.

As protests rage again in Tahrir Square, the military is meeting the demonstrators, many of them young and jobless, with tear gas, rubber bullets--and live ammunition, say Newsweek's Mike Giglio and R.M. Schneiderman.



South Korea Passes US Trade Deal

The South Korean parliament passed a long-stalled free trade agreement (KoreaTimes) with the United States. The deal is the United States' largest since NAFTA in 1994 and was ratified by the US Congress last month.

The US needs to revitalize trade policy and spur foreign investment in this country--timely ingredients for a job-creating economic resurgence, says former senator Thomas Daschle, co-chair of a CFR independent task force on trade, in this CFR Interview.

CHINA: In the run-up to next week's UN global climate change talks in Durban, China released a white paper demonstrating that it achieved a 20 percent reduction in carbon emissions (NYT) between 2005 and 2010, and plans to cut a further 17 percent by 2015.



US & EU to cut off Iran banks, but limit sanctions

Obama tells supercommittee to keep trying after talks fail

Moody's warns France over debt


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