World News Brief, Tuesday November 30

Wikileaks cables style Putin an "alpha dog", Karzai as paranoid and Merkel as risk averse (+ analysis); Portugal reaching crisis point as Ireland bailout fails to convince; North Korea to pay "a dear price"; Iranian nuclear scientist dies in bombing that echoes January death;

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Small is beautiful: economy of resources, and the politics of enough

Economy, by definition, means prudently managing resources, yet in practice growth consumes them, unsustainably. We need a new narrative, say the Greens, that decouples progress from growth: this might be a myth and it is a gamble, but so is growth

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World News Brief, Wednesday November 24

North Korea attacks South Korea--two marines killed; New York Times reports new nuclear facility in North Korea; some experts speculate Kim Jong-Un is trying to win support from the army by showing toughness; Australia to supply Japan with minerals known as 'rare earths'; Iran assembly tries to oust Ahmadinejad; Taliban leader in secret talks was imposter; Cowan responds to calls for snap election in Ireland

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World News Brief, Friday November 19

First Guantanamo detainee tried in US courts guilty on just one count (+ analysis); Ireland looks set to accept bailout worth "tens of billions"; UN warns of world food shortages, higher prices; China re-routes global internet traffic for 18 minutes; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday November 18

Republicans threaten to block nuclear treaty despite White House pleas (+ Clinton & Gates op-ed); China promises fire safety standards after 53 die in Shanghai; NATO leader talks of Afghanistan combat role beyond 2014; Iraq President refuses to execute Tariq; and more

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