World News Brief, Tuesday April 5

Greek PM, Libya's deputy foreign minister and Qaddafi's sons emerge as possible peace negotiators (+ analysis); Rebels in push to recapture Brega; Japan relealses low level radioactive water; Soldiers kill protesters in Yemen; Obama announces 2012 reelection run; and more

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World News Brief, Friday April 1

Qaddafi's foreign minister flees to Britain (+ analysis); CIA and MI6 'on the ground' in Libya assisting and assessing rebels; Assad panel to re-think Syrian emergency laws; Radiation levels in Japanese seawater grow; Negotiations on Capitol Hill hope to avert US governemtn shutdown; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday March 31

US and Euro leaders debate whether to arm Libyan rebels; Rebels retreat from oil towns as Qaddafi advances again; Syrian President fails to lift emergency laws; Fukushima plant owners fail to control reactors; Cricket unites but India wins; and more

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Crystal Valley, and the conservation state

Crystal Valley, and the conservation state

In 2004, the Nature Heritage Fund funded DOC’s Crystal Valley purchase, because of its outstanding conservation values. Last week DOC agreed to give part of the Valley, freehold, to Porter Heights Ski Field, to build an alpine lodge. What’s changed?

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World News Brief, Wednesday March 30

Global leaders meet to affirm unity of purpose in Libya; US officials warn rebels lack organisation to hold gains; Radioactive water puts Japan on "maximum alert"; Over 120 dead in Yemen explosion; How sound are Chinese loans?; and more

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World News Brief, Tuesday March 29

NATO warplanes bomb Qaddafi's hometown as rebel attack (+ analysis); Obama to address nation and Turkey offers to mediate; Yemeni president retracts resignation offer; Democrats and Republicans set to clash again on Budget cuts; Fukushima workers face new threat; and more

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World News Brief, Friday March 25

Qaddafi forces press forward as coalition airstrikes turn to ground forces (+ multimedia); Questions arise about lack of support for other uprisings in region; Japan food banned amidst fears of tainted food; At least ten dead in Syrian mosque attack; Portugal PM resigns complicating EU summit; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday March 24

Obama says again he wants US to relinquish "leading role" in Libya; Qaddafi remains defiant; Tokyo water is unsafe for infants, but there is no immediate threat to adults, officials say; Australians protest proposed carbon tax; Six killed in Syrian mosque raid; Portuguese lawmakers to vote on austerity measures; and more

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World News Brief, Wednesday March 23

Coalition bombing close to eliminating Libyan air defences; US tries to hand over leadership as F-15 crashes and allies divide (+ analysis and multimedia); Karzai announces Bamiyan hand-over from July; Japanese radiation spreads to marine life; Europe agrees on vast rainy-day fund; and more

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