World News Brief, Wednesday November 2

Greek PM promises referendum on bailout, putting EU on edge; Global markets drop sharply on news; MPs walk out on Greek government, new election likely (+ analysis); Libya's NTC chooses engineer as new PM; Taliban claims it set Kandahar bomb that killed seven; US slams UNESCO on Palestine vote; China launches spacecraft; and more

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World News Brief, Tuesday November 1

Kenyan airstrike intended for Islamist militant group al-Shabaab hits refugee camp in Somalia; Philippine army attacks al-Qaeda-linked stronghold in southern island province of Sulu; Japan takes steps to slow the rise of the yen; Arab League has a plan for Syrians to end seven months of violent unrest against President Bashar al-Assad; centre-right wins election in Bulgaria; Uganda detains Opposition leader Kizza Besigye to stop him joining protest against rising fuel and food prices; and more

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World News Brief, Friday October 28

EU leaders reach deal on debt crisis--Asian and European markets rise as a result; Angela Merkel is getting credit for her calm approach to the crisis; US says there is no indication North Korea is serious about ending nuclear weapons programme; Qaddafi's fugitive son gives himself up, asks for flight to The Hague; World Bank offers Peru $3 billion to sustain economic growth; Ireland holds presidential election; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday October 27

EU leaders meet, under pressure to find comprehensive solution to crisis; Italy's woes – pensions, infrastructure and youth unemployment (+ analysis); Panetta says North Korea a "serious threat" as talks end; Libya wants NATO to stay; New African democracies win import help; and more

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World News Brief, Wednesday October 26

Moderate Islamists hint at unity coalition after winning Tunisia elections (+ analysis and al-Nahda profile); Qaddafi's body buried in desert; New data suggests eurozone falling into recession; Italy fails to settle welfare reform; Suu Kyi says more reform needed in Burma; and more

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Mapp flunks his final Afghan Torture Test

Defence Minister Wayne Mapp flunked his final Afghan Torture Test last Friday when he slid the long awaited New Zealand Defence Force Report on detainee treatment into the public domain under the cover of the Grand Final of the Rugby World Cup.

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World News Brief, Friday October 21

Qaddafi is dead: Found in drain after NATO airstrike; Transitional Council claim control of Sirte; So how successful was NATO campaign? How soon should elections be held? In other news: France and Germany haggle over rescue fund; Thailand flooding a "national crisis"; Indigenous protesters march on Bolivian capital; Iran says critical UN report is "exaggerated"; and more

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