World News Brief, Tuesday September 10

Obama mounts campaign to win support for military strike on Syria; Tony Abbott pledges to redice taxes and boost Australian economy; Muslim rebels alleged to have attacked villages in Philippines; drone and Taliban attacks hit Afghan civilians; US spied on Brazilian oil firm; and more

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Four easy pieces

In which your esteemed author tells you who the Labour leader must be, explains why the Government had to appeal the "Quake Outcasts" case, warns you that your right to wear silly lapel pins on election day is under threat, and calls on David Farrar to save Great Britain.

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World News Brief, Thursday August 29

UK to submit draft resolution to UN condemning Syrian chemical attacks; special envoy to North Korea seeks amnesty for American missionary held in Pyongyang; ethnic Muslims killed in "anti-terror" operation, says China; thousands of Chechens seek asylum in Germany; Indian rupee hits historic low; and more

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World News Brief, Wednesday August 28

Chemical use in Syria a "moral obscenity" says Kerry; Chinese anti-trust probes not aimed at foreign companies, says Beijing; Japanese PM investigates plannes sales tax increase; Sudan opposition pushes to dismantle Bashir's regime; Egypt Muslim Brotherhood leader denies terrorism claim; and more

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Silence of the lambs: freedom of speech in New Zealand

A steady erosion of human rights in New Zealand through legislation is being accompanied by Ministerial attempts to avoid searching scrutiny of these measures, and to silence dissenting voices.

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