All sides in the current spying debate are choosing their words very carefully as the search for lies intensifies. But what do those words mean?
Read MoreGCSB
The Moment of Truth #1
It'll take two posts to get through my observations of tonight's big reveal at the Auckland Town Hall. This one's on the timing and strategy around the revelations
Read MoreKeeping up with the rapid story of Glenn Greenwald & NZ spying
Glenn Greenwald's claims starting on The Nation this weekend have unleashed a flood of news. Can we process it in time? And what will it mean to a very pragmatic people?
Read MoreIgnorantia juris excusat
Did you know that if you don't know you are breaking a law, this means that you're allowed to break it without criminal consequences following? At least, you can if you're a New Zealand spy agency.
Read MoreLaws, like the spider's web, catch the fly and let the hawk go free
The way the police have approached the GCSB's covert recording of Kim Dotcom is markedly different to how they approached Bradley Ambrose's recording of John Key. Why is that?
Read MoreThe Inquiry into the Inquiry into the Inquiry into the Inquiry
How it all came to pass
Read MoreMiranda 'rights' in Britain
Britain's intimidation of the Guardian newspaper, and its detention of a Brazilian national under a terrorism provision serve as warning for what governments with dirty secrets are prepared to do. Complacency will enable them.
Read MoreJohn Key and those GCSB questions
I confess: The GCSB bill has me going back and forth. So after considering the politics played by the PM this week I lay out my main qualms about the bill and seek your advice...
Read MoreWho's to blame for the abuse on Andrea Vance?
We're not at the bottom of this story yet, but I can't help but wonder if those of us in the media need to have a good hard look at ourselves
Read MoreBradley Manning verdict a lesson for our Defence chiefs
The Bradley Manning verdict sends a clear message to the chiefs at the top of our Defence Service (and Parliamentary Services). They should listen and hang their heads in shame. Investigative journalism is not treacherous.
Read MoreSpying - everybody's doin' it, doin' it
We're learning this week just how common it is for countries to be spying on each other. Sir Geoffrey Palmer hinted last year that those in high power are quite aware of this
Read MoreEd Snowden could come to NZ
The latest leaker superstar, Ed Snowden could end up flatting with Dotcom in New Zealand says international lawyer Geoffrey Robertson. That's one way to reverse the brain drain
Read MoreA bad week for left activist paranoia
Army to gain new powers over protesters; GCSB spies on New Zealanders; new single government data hub planned... Is Aotearoa en route to Orwell's 1984?
Read MoreDoes National have the numbers to extend GCSB's powers?
John Key began to fight back against the damage being done by the GCSB scandal urging reform for the bureau. But has he jumped the gun before doing the numbers? Let's see what ACT and United Future have said...
Read MoreWho is really responsible for the GCSB shenanigans?
Kitteridge Report suggests "unclear legislation" allowed for GCSB to illegally spy on New Zealanders. But the real responsibility lies elsewhere
Read MoreIs it illegal to talk about coffee at the GCSB?
Did the person who told Labour that John Key (allegedly) mentioned Kim Dotcom's name at the GCSB really break the law?
Read MoreJohn Key risks being undone by first rule of politics
People won't change how they vote because some spies over-stepped the mark. But the Dotcom-GCSB saga still poses a threat to the government, one it can't afford to ignore
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