The New Zealand Defence Force claims that it has replied fully to the allegations raised in Hit and Run. It hasn't - and what it has said just continues its cover-up of what happened in Afghanistan.
Read MoreSpinning the return of Judith Collins
Judith Collins is back in Cabinet. But let's not forget, her resignation was for an issue separate from those detailed in Dirty Politics, so she has never been "cleared" of the behaviour revealed in the book
Read MoreWho is really responsible for the GCSB shenanigans?
Kitteridge Report suggests "unclear legislation" allowed for GCSB to illegally spy on New Zealanders. But the real responsibility lies elsewhere
Read MoreHow do you make sense of more than a million leaked documents?
The story behind the massive leak of documents revealing the extent to which the world's wealthy go to avoid and evade tax and New Zealand's part in the investigations
Read MoreTruth prevails
What is investigative journalism, really, and why is it important? Nicky Hager shares his Bruce Jesson Lecture, presented at Auckland's Maidment Theatre on October 31
I've just been internalising a really complicated situation in my head
The news declared that the National Party had had a 'historic' election victory on Saturday but, if that was true, National Party people would be looking happier. The reality is much more complicated
Read MoreThe last wails of the angry Hollow Men
And so the saga of the Brash email invesigations ends, not with a bang, but with continued denials by those exposed
Read MoreSecond year blues – a failure of governance
As the Key administration prepares for the opening of parliament for 2010, where is the plan and wisdom required for good governance? And where's the opposition? Here's a report card – in plain language
Read MoreDying for an invitation to Washington
With the government's announcement on sending the SAS to Afghanistan due any day, it's time to stop pretending. They will say yes. And John Key will be responsible for any deaths
Read MoreUPDATED: Crosby v Hager: there is something very wrong with our defamation laws
An 11 month legal battle with political consultants Crosby/Textor during an election year reveals the trouble with our defamation laws
Read MoreGood PR relies on bad journalism: the "stolen e-mails" story
The latest reporting on Don Brash's "stolen emails" has again exposed National's political spin machine and a media with a curious attitude towards the public's right to know
Read MoreLeaked: National plans reveal the government's continued reluctance to spend
Leaked Cabinet plans list the government's infrastructure projects and show that even facing the worst economic crisis in half a century, the government intends to restrain its spending
Read MoreThere's actually only one John Key, just not the one on show
National's campaign is hiding a front bench full of 1990s-style free marketers behind John Key's well-scripted one-liners
Read MoreHooton's hollow complaints
On Pundit's invitation, Nicky Hager argues that Matthew Hooton's attack on police this week is just another smokescreen
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