World News Brief, Thursday November 6

Republicans take over US Congress; China hopes to 'set road map' for Free Trade Area of Asia Pacific at APEC summit; Indian finance minister commits to further economic reforms; Christian couple beaten to death in Pakistan; ebola treatment centre to open in Sierra Leone; Latin America's first high-speed train to be built in Mexico; and more 

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Fighting modern day fascism, New Zealand’s fight too

The Left rejects it’s historic commitment to international solidarity and protecting the innocent when it embraces a growing neo-isolationism. It’s all very well to say ‘not our fight’ in the face of ISIS terror, but the opposite on intervention isn’t peace. 

Stare at that for a moment.

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World News Brief, Tuesday November 4

Pro-Russian separatists declare new leader for Eastern Ukraine; China to form anti-corruption bureau; US, Australia and Japan to meet during G20 to dicuss security and economic ties; suicide bomb kills dozens in Pakistan; pilot error cited in Virgin Galactic crash; and more 

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Seabed mining: drums in the deep

The Environmental Protection Agency hearing into seabed mining for phosphate on the Chatham Rise is exposing questions about uncertainty - many big unknowns, including whether the applicant has done its job. If environment groups win this battle, what does it mean for the wider war?

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World News Brief, Wednesday October 29

US revises Ebola guidelines while Australia becomes first country to deny visas to people from West African countries; China and Vietnam seek to allay tensions over maritime disputes; nuclear plant reopens in southwestern Japan; UK says it will not support search and rescue operations for Mediterranean migrants; and more 

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