World News Brief, Friday March 26 — Pundit

World News Brief, Friday March 26

Russian leak: US and Russia to cull hundreds of nuclear warheads under new treaty (+ analysis); EU on verge of Greece debt package; Chinese telco takes on Google; Dubai finds more money for Dubai World; and more

Top of the Agenda: US and Russia Reach Nuclear Deal

The United States and Russia reached (WashPost) a new nuclear arms-control agreement after year-long negotiations, replacing the 1991 START treaty that expired in December. Each side will reduce long-range nuclear missiles from a ceiling of 2,200 to between 1,500 and 1,675. Russia and the United States will also reduce the number of jets and land- or submarine-based missiles that carry nuclear weapons. A Kremlin official confirmed the deal, whereas the White House said it would time its announcement after US President Barack Obama spoke with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the next few days. US officials confirmed both sides have agreed to all major elements of the pact.

The agreement came (CSMonitor) just before a White House summit on nuclear security in April and a Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference scheduled for May.


On, Jamie Fly & Gary Schmitt say there is little reason to believe the "reset" of US-Russian relations--based on increased personal ties between Medvedev and Obama--will give a strategic advantage to Obama.

A deal on a follow-on to the START treaty is part of a wider Obama administration focus on nuclear issues, says CFR's Paul Lettow.


This CFR Timeline looks at the history of US-Russia arms control milestones from 1949 to present.

In Policy Review, CFR' s James Goldgeier analyzes the Obama administration's goal of pushing the "reset button" with Russia, its short-term achievements, and its long-term potential.


PACIFIC RIM: China Mobile Operator Nixes Google

China Unicom, China's second-largest mobile operator, announced it will remove (FT) Google's search function from newly developed handsets, the first concrete fallout of the dispute with China over Internet censorship.

On CFR's Asia Unbound blog, Evan Feigenbaum discusses the difficulty in identifying the tipping point in US-China relations.

Australia: Australia said the arrest of Rio Tinto executive Stern Hu had not and would not disturb (AFP) trade ties with China.



More Money for Dubai World
Pakistan Satisfied with US Aid Pledge
Merkel Stands Firm on Greece


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