World News Brief, Friday August 2

Propsed $500 billion budget cut will reduce US ability to meet global security goals, says Chuck Hagel; more than 100 independent news sites chut down in China; Australia sends first group of asylum seekers to Papua New Guinea; Snowden leaves Moscow airport after Russia gives him temporary asylum; Uruguay on path to legalise marijuana; and more

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World News Brief, Tuesday July 30

Israel and Palestine to resume peace talks; Japan and Chins to hold talks in effort to de-escalate territorial row; Cambodia's opposition leaders reject election results; China activates natural gas pipeline from Burma; John Kerry to visit Pakistan; Morsi supporters call for fresh protest rallies in Egypt; Italian court to make appeal judgement on Berlusconi's alleged tax evasion; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday July 25

White House lobbies to keep National Security Agency programme amid Snowden fallout; China bans construction of new government buildings; Beijing closes visa office in Manila after South China Sea protests; South Sudan president sacks entire cabinet; UN in Syria to investigate chemical weapons claims; and more

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World News Brief, Thursday June 18

Interim Egyptian cabinet of 34 sworn in; South Korea asks to postpone plan to take operational control of troops; China rejects claims is it singling out foreign companies after making public details of alleged corruption by GlaxoSmithKline; South Africans prepare to celebrate Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday; US-Russia relationship would not be harmed if Snowden granted asylum in Russia, says Putin

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